Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wildlife Art!

I wanted to let all of you know that I've opened a new website that features my wildlife art. As many of you already know, it's something I've been working on for quite a few years and now I finally feel ready to put it into a showcase by itself. Painting animals is very addictive because the more I look at them, the more I love them! I've also noticed that the fantasy creatures in my fantasy art have taken on a new life in the last few years from spending so much time thinking about fur and feathers. Plus, the fact that we now have two amazing dogs just adds to the feeling. So please check out my new site at and let me know what you think!
Thank you!


Joe Jusko said...

Your wildlife work is beyond reproach, Julie! I'm going to spending a lot of time admiring these! :-)

Julie Bell said...

Thank you so much, Joe! That means a lot to me.

trishsquish said...

Hi Julie,

I am a massive fan of both you and Boris, and was lucky enough to buy one of your dragon bike sketches for my husband a few years back. Your wildlife stuff is equally amazing, and I wondered if you had any preliminary sketches of them for sale also, as I can't afford the real paintings, but would like something more than a print.
I'm a fantasy girl at heart, but I love these. I have quite a few wildlife drawings from a guy named Gary Hodges, and would love to add one of yours. The pegasus is amazing. And I love that it is in the wildlife section!.

Thanks Trish.

Reb said...

I love the work you and Boris do, and for years you two have done so many amazing pieces of art. You've creatd world's that transcend time and space, up there with Frazetta and beyond! Keep up the great art!

Manoj Singh said...

wonderful, wonderful paintings!

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Sharon said...

You both amaze me and move me with your immense talent to capture both the human form and the animal form and display its beauty and strength. I own several books from Boris and you; do you still publish books of art?

Manoj Singh said...

It is nice post and good work. keep it up.

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